Monday, January 7, 2013

longest break ever

So, my kids have been home from school for the past two weeks. Longest. Break. Ever. Hence the title of this post. (There has been a lack of posting as well since I got my iPhone, my poor laptop never gets turned on anymore.)

I love these dudes, but they're driving me nuts!

They finally, finally go back to school tomorrow! The holidays were great, but I am glad they are over. I like routine, quiet, and a clean(ish) house and that just cannot happen with two little monster boys home all the time.

Thursday is my first day off from work that no one will be home since before Christmas. I am so excited I could burst. I plan on laying on my couch in my underwear watching the goriest horror movies I can find on Netflix. I will only get up to get a fresh Diet Coke or make more popcorn, and it will be glorious. At least until 4 pm.


Friday, December 7, 2012

it's been a long time, here's a christmas post

Hello again. I haven't wrote in a long time. It's not for lack of things to write about, I just haven't wanted to. With that said, OHAI DECEMBER!

So. It's December 7th and I can officially say I am done gift shopping for everyone! I have never been finished this early and I am at a loss. With the exception of a gift for the husband and baking, I am ready to tackle Christmas!

Which brings me to this: I am not a Christian. I am not anything really, but if I had to say I feel I'm more of an agnostic Pagan. I like the idea of religion, but religion to me is something to make you happy, safe, and secure. It is not anything that is "right" or "wrong," it's whatever makes an individual happy. My family, friends, animals, and hobbies are what make me happy. British television makes me happy. Crafting makes me happy. My kids make me happy (if not a bit crazy at times.) I like to find locations and take crappy amateurish photography. The husband makes me happy. My dog makes me happy. I tend to say my religion is that I hug trees. I'll stick with that.

What does get on my nerves is the whole "happy holidays" bull that is debated every year. The whole country wants to be politically correct and not offend anyone. Can I just say that as a non-Christian, saying Merry Christmas to me does NOT offend me. I say it, we celebrate it in my house; if that makes me a hypocrite, fine, but to me and my family, Christmas is a fun day to look forward to where we give each other gifts, eat lots of yummy food, and hang out in our pajamas most of the day playing with new toys until it is time to go to Nana's house for more gifts, food, and family.

Anyways. Can I just say that my kids and I are SUPER excited for the new Christmas Doctor Who special!!!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

we went to king's island

Earlier in October, we took a trip to King's Island near Cincinnati, Ohio, courtesy of my husband's workplace. The park was all done up for Halloween and it was amazing!

 Tree eyeballs

 Burning zombies

Dancing skeletons

Naughty skeletons

We brought along my husband's best friend's son, and everyone had a great time! The boys rode everything they could, even the coasters that went upside down!

 Awesome boys

It was a nice day, and I'm glad we were able to participate in something like this. I'm so thankful my husband has the job he does.

Me and the hubs. Yes, I'm that short.


Monday, October 29, 2012

oh the feels

My dearest Whovians,
I watched Doomsday tonight and ruined my whole night.
Allow me to ruin yours.

You're welcome.

Monday, October 15, 2012

monday random 5...not so random

For this week's Monday Random 5, (on Monday!) I am going to post my five favorite movies! Here goes:

1. Labyrinth

2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

3. Avatar

4. Girl, Interrupted

5. Halloween (The original)

There ya go! My five favorite movies. This really isn't fair though, because I love so many movies, but oh well! Maybe sometime this week I'll post about our trip to King's Island in Ohio last weekend! But until then...


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

random five...tennant tuesday edition

Yes, I forgot my Monday Random five post. But that's okay, I'm going to make up for it with a Tennant Tuesday edition!

Here are five pictures of my favorite Scotsman!


David and a Dalek


David and Billie


He's calling me, I'm sure of it!


David and Karen

David and Matt. This made my ovaries explode.

I hope everyone is having a good week!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

there's a cat on my head and i forgot...

As I type this, Jett is sitting on my head. Jett is my female cat, and yes, she is named after Joan Jett.

She's badass.

My cat, however, is not badass. She is overly affectionate and loud and annoying. I didn't know this when I got her though. She is pretty though, so there's that.

Pretty girl.

By the way, that picture is from my long-neglected DeviantArt site. Go check it out if you're into amateurish photography and such. I promise to get a camera in my hands soon again.

Anyway. As the title suggests, I forgot something. This week it was to write my Monday Random 5 post. As I have said before, I am lazy. And beside's that it's been a crappy week. I just got done working a 7 day stretch at work dealing with Halloween and Christmas sets (I work in the seasonal area of a department store) and my 80-something year old grandma has been in the hospital. I don't live close enough to visit her easily, so here I sit, 3 hours north worrying. Not to mention all the schoolwork I have this quarter. Whatever; there's my excuse. I'll try to remember next week. No promises though.

I leave you with a photo I found online of Matt Smith and David Tennant at the opening of Arthur Darvill's new play...behold!

Boom! My ovaries exploded.
